Benefits to Spinal Segmentation Exercises

Why the Seg-B

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Spine

Discover the power of the SEG-B®️, a cutting-edge device designed to improve spinal health, mobility, and control.


Tactile Feedback

The SEG-B's tactile feedback mechanism lets users feel each segment of their spine as they move, promoting awareness and control over spinal movements.

Auditory Feedback

The SEG-B provides real-time auditory feedback through clicking sounds, helping users identify and correct improper spinal segmentation during exercises.

Visual Feedback

Visual indicators on the SEG-B allow users to see their spinal alignment and movement patterns, enabling precise adjustments for optimal performance.


Spinal Segmentation

Spinal segmentation plays a huge role in whether or not your spin is healthy. Did you know that each of your vertebrae should move independently of one another? Well they should, but for most, this is probably not the case.

The Seg-B can be also used as a diagnostic tool to see where you might either be jammed up or have some motor control issues in your spine.

It’s a great way to create awareness about where you are making up for the lack of segmentation in one area. For example, many of you might find that the lack of segmentation in the thoracic region can be felt as pinching, stiffness or pain in the lumbar region.

Dr. Mike, MoveU

"An amazing product that we’ve been using for a while that helps you learn to segmentally control your spine!"

Hear from the Experts

Recent studies and analysis regarding benefits of spinal segmentation exercises.
Eur Spine JNational Library of Medicine

Adherence to Spinal Segmentation Exercises showed a significant association with the reductions in average pain and disability after therapy. Read entire study here.

Dr. RyanStraight Up Spin & Posture

The segmented spinal movement is a great tool for developing better proprioception of the spine and related structures as well as control and mobility. Read entire story here.


The SEG-B learning library is almost ready! Get a head start by downloading the "Getting Started Guide" below.